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  Sierra de Guadarrama

Calzada Romana
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Historia de Cercedilla

El Boalo

El Escorial
Silla de Felipe II
Valle de los Caídos

 Cabeza de Lijar


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Puerto de Navacerrada

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In we are dedicated to providing information about the ‘Sierra de Madrid’. In the first stage we are focused in providing pictures of the areas around the ‘Sierra de Guadarama’.

 You can find images of not only towns, like CercedillaArroyo Helecharón - Cercedilla, but also images of city walks and established rural routes for walking.
The picnic areas, restaurants and lodgings can also be found in these pages.



You can find simple and restful routes such as the ‘Camino del Puricelli’, also Camino del Puricelli - Cercedillawell-known as the ‘Camino de la Republica’, so called because its construction started during the Second Republic and remained unfinished until the arrival of the Spanish Civil War



If you want to get tired a little more, but without being devoted Calzada Romana - Cercedillato the escalade, you can opt for routes stockings in those that you will be able to enjoy beautiful landscapes like those that offers the Roman Roadway of Cercedilla, from which you will also be able to carry out other famous routes as: The Pick of Majalasna or the route of the Miradors, we will try to offer pictures of all these places.

We don't forget the most typical places in those that you can alsoEstación de Navacerrada - Puerto de Navacerrada practice other sports like it is the ski. Here you found pictures of the Port of Navacerrada, in which can combine the calmest walks with unbeatable views on the two castillas, with mythical routes as the famous Schmid path


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